Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Last Meal on Death Row

It's my last day on this horrible planet and the only thing I have to look forward to other than dying today is the mouth watering freedom that is to be my last meal. Feast your eyes my enemies and envious! 

                                                                        The Feast

Slice of french toast (with butter): 178 calories x 3 = 534 calories

1/4 a cup of Maple Syrup: 104 calories                                                               

Piece of sausage: 42 calories x 2 = 84 calories

Eggs over medium: 54 calories x 2 = 108 calories

The Liquids

Orange Juice: 1 cup = 112 calories

Cup of black coffee: 1 mug = 2 calories

Total Calorie Intake = 944 calories 

I chose this breakfast layout as my last meal on death row because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if this is to be the last food tasted before my death then it better be pretty damn important. French toast is a weakness of mine so this was an easy decision to make. My drink choice was no mystery either because I am slightly addicted to coffee and must have it every day. I'm not really sure that it has an effect on my energy anymore, but I love the taste. Overall, I am very pleased with my final selection. No regrets! 

Text and Reply

So I sent this text to my roommate, Barbara. Her response was not so surprising. We text pretty frequently throughout that day. Somethings being important topics we need advice on or just someone to listen to the other bitch without having to here I told you so. On those special occasions that we go out we always seem to tell each other how much we love the other and talk about how anyone would be crazy not to want to be friends with us. To say the least we are a bit conceited when it comes the knowledge of our awesomeness. As you will read from her response she is as vain as always. I wouldn't love her any other way.

Eight Colors in My Crayon Box

If my life could be described with eight unique colors that each describe something about myself they would have to be as follows...

1. Gold would definitely be in my crayon box for multiple reasons. Starting with it close to the color of my hair these days. I have a lot of blonde curly hair and it is usually the first thing that people comment on. Also, when I asked my bestfriend what color she thought I was her first answer was gold without missing a beat. I like to think gold is in my box because of my overwhelming star quality, but that's another subject entirely.

2. Classic Blue. This straight forward blue would be in my crayon box as well at the moment because I am very sad that I missed the deadline to opt in for next seasons football tickets. Bummed!

3. Green of any shade will always have a place in my color box because it is my favorite color. The color green makes happy. Maybe that's because I wish I was a millionaire. Also, green is the color of my eyes.

4. While coloring a pretty picture I may ignore the black crayon, in my day to day life I would have to use it. I own a lot of black clothing. I do not wear it all at once to make a statement as some do, but I find the color very flattering and classic. This color reminds be of Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall. All the Hollywood greats from the classic era of film. Makes me feel slim and like I have stepped back in time.

5. Midnight blue would have a place in the box as well. I love night time. I am a night owl, but also enjoy sleep very much. This color is an example of when I get good nights of rest and get to take the occasional joyous nap in between a long day of classes and work. Also, a color I wear a lot.

6. Turquoise is usually a crowd pleaser, especially for girls. In my case I find it cheerful without being annoying like yellow is. It reminds me of easy days on the lake where I'm from and beach trips with friends and family. I also always wear a turquoise ring on my left hand no matter what I am wearing. It is my go-to jewelry piece.

7. White is usually never touched in a crayon box. In my life box of colors it would be worn out. I am obsessed with winter and everything it entails. The smells, the sounds, and especially the colors. White makes me feel surrounded by snow and reminds me of being wrapped up in bundles of clothes and sharing stories with my family. White is a comforting color year round. 

8. Last, but definitely not least Red. This color I never wear, but it does have its place in my bedroom. The curtains and accents are red to compliment the black and white theme. Also, the color red is the essence of my mother. She is vibrant and full of love. Red would be in my box because without my mom a lot of the greatness I have already experienced in life would not be possible.

The Love (of your life) Note

So I'm in a bar one evening. I'm alone. I'm not involved romantically with 
anyone. Suddenly, someone walks in and the two of us lock eyes. I know 
instinctively, with every fiber of my being, that this is the person I must spend 
the rest of my life with. This is my chance. I begin to think about how I’ll 
figure out a way to introduce myself when suddenly – I realize that this person 
of my dreams isn’t sitting down! Instead, my soulmate just came in to ask 
directions from the bartender and will be leaving in seconds. In a desperate act, 
I quickly grab a cocktail napkin from the bar and have just enough time to 
write five words that will convince this person that the two of us are destined for 
one another. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Intertextuality: Peace, Love, and Blogging

Taking Woodstock (2009) - Genre: Film

Four Horizontal Intertextual Connections:

1. Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding (2011) - Genre: Film
 What starts out to be a simple weekend getaway soon turn into an adventure full of love, freedom, music, and self-discovery. This film shows the life of an older woman who lives in Woodstock, NY. She has maintained her simple free spirit and opened mind. A true flower child, much like the main characters in Taking Woodstock.

2. The Banger Sisters (2002) - Genre: Film
This movie inspires the inner youth in everyone who watches. One woman who has managed to never grow up reconnects with her long-lost partner in crime to reminisce about their days as groupies in the 70s. Their obsession with music relates back to the dedication of the millions who attended Woodstock.

3. The Runaways (2010) - Genre: Film
As Fanning and Stewart's portrayal of the legendary girl rock band The Runaways, starting the career of Joan Jett, this movies inspires new discoveries and going beyond your boundaries as a teenager. The same can be said for the main character in Taking Woodstock.

4. A Walk on the Moon (1999) - Genre: Film
This movies shows the boredom one housewife finds with her own life and her exit to freedom through a freeloader and their weekend rendezvous with the notorious Woodstock in New York. This is an example of how sex, drugs, and music can spin you into an entirely new world.

Four Vertical Intertextual Connections:

1. Californication (2007- ) - Genre: Television Comedy/Drama
Many of the same morals are shared between this show and Taking Woodstock. The main idea of this show is finding a balance between temptation and happiness (whatever that may be). In a montage of sex, drugs, love, family, and fame this show is charmingly dirty in all the right ways.

2. The Peace Sign - Genre: Visual
The Peace Sign is the representative flag for hippies in the late 60s to the early 70s. This sign was vastly distributed througout both the movie and the actual happenings of Woodstock. It could be seen anywhere from a t-shirt, a sign being raise, all the way to a tattoo.

3. Girls Like Us - Genre: Literature
This book discusses the lives of very influential female artists of the 60s and 70s. Their journeys and experiences throughout life and surviving Woodstock.

4. Pablo Picasso's Dove - Genre: Art
This Picasso's Dove of peace. Before moving to Los Angeles, California Picasso made it known that he wished for world peace and expressed himself through a painting of the bird above. This piece of work has been carried on used as a sign of the peace movement for generations.

Two Public Tertiary Texts:

1.  Todd Holden - Film Critic, Times Out London
"Anyone with an ounce of scepticism about the hippie myth will be infuriated by ‘Taking Woodstock’, a film so starry-eyed and winsome it would make Joni Mitchell blush."

2. Stephen Holden - Film Critic, New York Times
"'Taking Woodstock' is a gentle, meandering celebration of personal liberation at a moment when rigid social barriers were becoming more permeable, at least among the young."

One Private Tertiary Text:

1. Tate Langdon via Twitter (@kawaiialien):
"Mixed emotions while watching Taking Woodstock. Happy and sad. WISH I COULD TIME TRAVEL."  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Are you there Bloggers? It's me, Katie!

Okay guys so here it goes! My name is Katie and I am supposed to be a senior at The University of Alabama, however this is not so much the case. The bad news is that I am a little behind. The good news is that I am only behind by a semester and will graduate in December. Now, enough of the boring stuff... I am, as I have told you in my information section on my homepage, new to this whole blog idea. I promise to be as honest and entertaining as humanly possible. Well, as possible as my creative brain can take me. Hopefully over the next few months and 12 blogs I can come into my own as a blogger and have my own style. After this crazy experiment is over I would like very much to continue blogging. That is if I find it entertaining.... Or maybe just liberating. Who knows? Anyways, thanks reading my painful introduction and I hope for your and my sake this gets better.