Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Last Meal on Death Row

It's my last day on this horrible planet and the only thing I have to look forward to other than dying today is the mouth watering freedom that is to be my last meal. Feast your eyes my enemies and envious! 

                                                                        The Feast

Slice of french toast (with butter): 178 calories x 3 = 534 calories

1/4 a cup of Maple Syrup: 104 calories                                                               

Piece of sausage: 42 calories x 2 = 84 calories

Eggs over medium: 54 calories x 2 = 108 calories

The Liquids

Orange Juice: 1 cup = 112 calories

Cup of black coffee: 1 mug = 2 calories

Total Calorie Intake = 944 calories 

I chose this breakfast layout as my last meal on death row because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if this is to be the last food tasted before my death then it better be pretty damn important. French toast is a weakness of mine so this was an easy decision to make. My drink choice was no mystery either because I am slightly addicted to coffee and must have it every day. I'm not really sure that it has an effect on my energy anymore, but I love the taste. Overall, I am very pleased with my final selection. No regrets! 

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